Hospice focuses on helping a person feel comfortable by addressing issues causing physical or emotional pain or suffering. Hospice is specifically designed to relieve symptoms and support patients and their families at the end of the patient's life. St. Claire Hospice is a not-for-profit, hospital-based program offering support and compassionate care for the terminally ill. Our program is licensed by the state of Kentucky, certified by Medicare and Medicaid, and accredited by The Joint Commission. St. Claire Hospice services Bath, Carter, Elliott, Fleming, Lewis, Menifee, Montgomery, and Rowan counties in Eastern Kentucky.
Since 1982, we have provided quality end-of-life care using a comprehensive array of services from palliative consulting to in-home medical services for patients and their families. Grief and bereavement services extend to family members, caregivers, and anyone experiencing grief, whether or not their love one was a hospice patient. Using an interdisciplinary team of healthcare professionals, St. Claire Hospice provides pain management, symptom control, psychosocial support and spiritual care to patients and their families. The patient and family are central in all decision making.