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UK St. Claire and UK HealthCare Partnered to “Go Pink” to Raise Breast Cancer Awareness

UK St. Claire and UK HealthCare Partnered to “Go Pink” to Raise Breast Cancer Awareness

UK St. Claire (SCH) partnered with UK HealthCare to host Go Pink! in honor of the 1-in-8 women that will be diagnosed with breast cancer within their lifetime. The women’s health conference brought the necessity of regular breast screenings to the attention of the many ladies that attended the event.

“Go Pink! is always such a fun event for the ladies of our community,” said Brittany Blair, APRN, SCH Oncology Clinical Director. “We love being able to host these events to discuss topics like breast cancer that often aren’t openly talked about.”

Guests that attended the event had the opportunity to take advantage of a free health fair including screenings and educational resources from UK St. Claire, UK HealthCare, and various other businesses and organizations from throughout the region. Following the health fair, Amy Tefft, MD, SCH General/Breast Surgeon, offered an informative presentation discussing breast cancer screening recommendations and recent technological advances in detection.

“Dr. Tefft’s presentation was so insightful. I think it really opened the eyes of many attendees and helped them to realize just how prevalent breast cancer is in our area,” said Blair. “If her presentation reminded even just one person that it may be time for their routine breast screening, then that may be another life saved.”

Dr. Tefft was later joined by Rachael Kelsey, MD, UK Morehead Women’s HealthCare OB/GYN; Elizabeth Matera, MD, SCH Primary Care/Family Medicine Physician; and Morgan King, OTR/L, SCH Occupational Therapist/Lymphedema Therapist; to offer a Live Q&A for guests. Questions ranging from general women’s health to specific individual concerns were addressed and discussed.

“The Live Q&A was a great opportunity for ladies to get answers to some concerns they have,” said Blair. “It was an informative session and helped others to realize that their concerns are shared by many others, as well.”

The event closed with the giveaway of over $1,000 in door prizes presented by UK St. Claire, UK HealthCare, Obagi Skincare, Papa John’s, McDonald’s, Arby’s, and Sonic.

Even if you didn’t make it to the event, it’s important to remember that early detection saves lives. Women over the age of 40 are recommended to have yearly mammogram screenings. Have you scheduled your yearly exam? Call 606.783.6760 to schedule your appointment today!