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UK St. Claire Improves Access to COVID-19 Vaccines

UK St. Claire Improves Access to COVID-19 Vaccines

UK St. Claire (SCH) is making it even easier to get access to the COVID-19 vaccine.

Over the last three months, SCH has vaccinated nearly 10,000 Kentucky residents who had requested the vaccine through the health system’s website. SCH announced Monday they have eliminated their online waitlist and eligible patients can now schedule their appointments by phone.

“St. Claire is committed to making the COVID-19 vaccine available to as many Kentucky residents as possible, as soon as possible,” said Will Melahn, MD, VP for Medical Affairs/Chief Medical Officer. “This change will allow us to better serve our patients by providing easier access to vaccination appointments.”

SCH’s vaccine scheduling team will be available from 8 AM to 6 PM, Monday through Friday by calling 606.783.7539. Any Kentucky resident who meets the criteria below, as determined by the Kentucky Department of Public Health, is eligible to schedule an appointment.

  • Healthcare workers
  • First responders
  • Staff or residents of long-term care or assisted living facilities
  • Anyone age 60 or older
  • Essential employees
  • Anyone age 18 or older with CDC highest risk C19 risk conditions

“By the end of this week, our team will have reached out to everyone on our vaccine waitlist. If you or someone you know believes they are on our waitlist but have not been contacted, please advise them to contact our scheduling team at 606.783.7539 for assistance,” added Melahn.

For more information, visit

Frequently Asked Questions:

Which vaccine is UK St. Claire administering? UK St. Claire has been allocated the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine which requires an initial dose, followed by a second booster dose at least 28 days later.

Can I be scheduled at the same time as my spouse or family member? Absolutely! While appointments can be limited depending on current supply, our scheduling team will be happy to schedule families together for your convenience.

Can my child be scheduled for a vaccination? At this time, the FDA has only authorized vaccinations for those 16 and older with CDC highest risk C19 risk conditions under the Emergency Use Authorization (EUA).

I’m not a UK St. Claire patient, or I don’t live within UK St. Claire’s service region, can I still get the vaccine at SCH? Yes. SCH was designated by the KDPH as a regional vaccination location. Any Kentucky resident can be scheduled for a vaccine at SCH as long as they meet current eligibility requirements.