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UK St. Claire to Receive $900,000 to Combat Opioid Crisis

UK St. Claire to Receive $900,000 to Combat Opioid Crisis

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) announced June 11, 2020, UK St. Claire was awarded a $900,000 competitive federal grant from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA). St. Claire plans to use the federal funding in coordination with the Eastern Kentucky Substance Use Response Coalition to provide medication-assisted treatment services, which are lacking in the region. It also plans to use the funding to address the growing rate of Hepatitis C infections, which are believed to be increasing through intravenous drug use.

Senator McConnell contacted HRSA on behalf of his constituents’ grant application and their mission to help save lives from addiction.

“During the coronavirus pandemic, we cannot lose focus on combating the scourge of addiction in our communities. Kentucky sadly remains one of the hardest hit states by opioid and substance abuse, but we are also home to many of the leaders of the national recovery,” said Senator McConnell. “St. Claire continues to make a great positive impact for Eastern Kentucky families, and I was proud to help them secure these much-needed federal funds. As Senate Majority Leader, I’ll continue mobilizing the federal government to deliver for Kentucky’s fight against the addiction crisis.”

“UK St. Claire is proud to announce our next step in the fight against the opioid epidemic,” said Donald H. Lloyd, II, UK St. Claire President/CEO. “This grant will assist us in improving access to medication-assisted treatment for opioid use disorder throughout Eastern Kentucky. We are tremendously grateful to Sen. McConnell for his support.”

“UK St. Claire is thrilled to receive this award on behalf of the Eastern Kentucky Substance Use Response Coalition, as it will allow us to expand prevention and treatment efforts across the region,” said David A. Gross, St. Claire’s administrative director for education and research, who will co-direct the project. “Senator McConnell’s support was instrumental to St. Claire and the Coalition being selected for this funding, and we look forward to continued collaborations with his office in our ongoing efforts to combat the opioid epidemic.”

According to the National Center for Health Statistics, 2018 saw the first nationwide decline in drug overdose deaths since 1990. Kentucky’s overdose fatalities fell by nearly 15% -- the largest drop in more than a decade -- and the rate declined by 5% nationwide.

For the full announcement from Sen. McConnell's office, visit