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UK St. Claire Announces COVID-19 Hazard Response Allocation Program

UK St. Claire Announces COVID-19 Hazard Response Allocation Program

“As I reflect on the unexpected circumstances of 2020, what amazes me the most is the strength and resilience of the staff at UK St. Claire (SCH),” said Donald H. Lloyd, II, SCH President/CEO. “Despite the emotional, financial, and professional challenges we have faced during the COVID-19 pandemic, their continued commitment to our mission has been unwavering.”

Whether they provided direct patient care or were in one of the many essential support staff roles, the staff at UK St. Claire showed up day in and day out with a courageous dedication to the health system’s mission, despite the unknowns and the personal hazards they may have faced. Regardless of their credentials or the role they played, there is no doubt that they are all healthcare heroes.

In recognition of the hazards the staff faced and the sacrifices they have made, UK St. Claire announced on Wednesday, Dec. 8, the SCH Board of Directors had approved nearly $1 million to fund a COVID-19 Hazard Response Allocation Program.

“It’s obvious to all that UK St. Claire has no better asset than those who have been called to serve our healing ministry,” said Lloyd. “The SCH COVID-19 Hazard Response Allocation is an investment in our staff and rewards the courage and heroism of the men and women who serve SCH at all levels of the enterprise.”

Through this program, each full-time staff member will receive a one-time allocation of $1,000, part-time staff will receive $500 and PRN staff will receive $250. The only qualifying criteria is that you must have been employed on December 7, 2020.

“It is strength and sacrifice in service to others of our staff that put UK St. Claire in the position to make this tremendous investment. Their courage and innovation, along with the strength and guidance of our leadership team, has allowed UK St. Claire to not only manage the pandemic, but to also grow, improve our quality, and create new services for our patients,” Lloyd added. “We are truly fortunate to be in this position and it’s because of their commitment to St. Claire.”